s e a r c h


tørrfesk, flower crowns and lots of lovely sounds

Træna. like last year, i traveled all the way up to northern Norway to attend Trænafestivalen - two times 24+ hours of traveling for a 3-day festival, but so worth it. i guess Træna really is the loveliest island on the planet, with its incredible nature, cute houses and never setting sun. this year, we could even have bare legs and Ina swam in the sea (and took lovely photos). i didn't bring my camera (and regret it a bit), but here are some phone photos! - this festival really is something, you guys.

also, the best things i heard at the festival / music you should check out:
- kidsaredead
- First Aid Kit('s new cd)
- Mugison(, if you ever get the chance to see him play in a church)
- Den Svenska Björnstammen
- Erlend Øye, together with Hjálmar (!)
- Farao.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. First Aid Kit heeft een nieuwe cd? Oei, ik ben precies niet meer helemaal up-to-date! En het ziet er daar zeer fijn uit!

  2. Dat klinkt zooo leuk en ziet er zo mooi uit!

  3. Oooh dat festival ziet er echt zo magisch mooi uit!
