s e a r c h


fighting the jetlag

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(ok, it's time to write some proper Korea posts!)

Seoul. after 16 hours of traveling and missing a whole night of sleep i arrived in Korea's capital, around lunch time. i wanted to take a nap, but the hostel boy told me i should go to Yeouido and enjoy the last bits of cherry blossom instead. it turned out to be far from the last cherry blossom i'd see, but it was the first and Yeouido was such a good place to slowly get used to the big city. i watched the skyline and the tents Koreans hide in to not get a tan from a distance and didn't sleep before midnight.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Die bloesembomen lijken me zo mooi :) en wat een tof uitzicht zo met dat water en die skyline!
