Annecy. now that we're soon leaving this place, we figured we'd actually get on (and in!) the lake. le lac d'Annecy actually is a mountain lake which means it was SUPER cold, but so refreshing in this 30+ degree weather. oh, i'll miss the lake.
Chamonix. we escaped the city for a bit and went to this mountain village called Chamonix, where you find one of the highest peaks of the Mont Blanc. the lift to get up there was way overpriced, but OH MY GOD THAT VIEW. so worth it.
- look at the pretty (pastel colored) houses - eat a Menu Pic-Nic and ice cream from Glacier Perrière - visit Bazar sans Frontières, which is the biggest, prettiest and awesomest second hand store i've ever been - buy postcards at Home d'Antan (also the prettiest i've ever seen) - walk around (for hours) and find all the cute hidden places - hang out at the lake.
Annecy. today after class, we didn't go straight home to do homework (ha), but went to the lake instead. and with us, we brought Bagels & Cupcakes' Menu Pic-Nic: a bagel, a cold drink, a hot drink, a cupcake and a bag of chips for €12,50. SO GOOD. i really hope places at home also start having picnic menus as it's one of the coziest things i've heard of.
classes have started (i'm definitely not the best, but not the worst either) and i try to live a normal life:
1. both after i wake up and before i go to bed, i stare at the mountains i see from my window for a bit. SO PRETTY. 2. i try to make friends and make them join me to go eat (cup)cakes. 3. i go for at least one (long) walk a day and simply don't stop exploring. this is the old city seen from above.
(and i'm doing homework and trying to speak french, oui oui)
Annecy. i spent the first day exploring the city - i now know where to get the best view over the (old) town, where the trees smell best and where to eat the best ice cream (and also: where they have the prettiest tile floor). yesterday, they told me my french is good enough to start in level 4 (!), but i guess i'll take one step back. anyhow, classes start tomorrow!